It’s an old 1981 Honda 400. Nothing special, although some would say, “Oh it’s special Todd.” Carbs are missing, tank is off, sides are off, seat has been chewed, fuel lines need replacing, brake and clutch lines need replacing, front seals are leaking. In some ways this 30 year old neglected bike resembles my near 37 year old neglected body. Maybe the idea of rebuilding this bike is my way of living vicariously.
I needed some inspiration and headed to Google to image search custom built Hondas. I didn’t expect to find much, but to my surprise, there are many creative people out there besides the Harley entrenched customizers.
Last year I bought a 1985 Pontiac Bonneville with the intention of a restoration project. Turns out, I don’t know anything, or enough people that I can bounce ideas off of, so I sold it. I know far more bikers who have spent years monkeying around with bikes who can share their wisdom, and, ultimately, mock my Honda.
The first hurdle is tracking down the actual owner of the bike and get him to sign off the ownership. It turns out that the owner gave it to the person I know after not having any money to pay for a job that was done for him. In turn, the bike was a sort of collateral, the principle of the matter. It’s been sitting in a corn crib for many years and I need to contact the owner. When I shared with my 10 year old daughter that I was lokking to buy another bike, she asked if she could have it when she turns 16. Great. I’m raising a biker chick! I should have known it though, her favorite animal is a pig. She’ll end up with a hog someday.
Everyone has a story. Looking forward to telling this one, trials and tribulations of a first build!
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